optometrists providing quality eyecare in newport gwent
We're doing things a bit differently at the moment to keep everybody safe.
Here's what you can expect when you next visit us:
All visits are by appointment only, even if it's just to have a repair or an adjustment. This is to help us control how many people we have in the practice at any one time.
When you book your appointment over the phone you will be asked a few extra questions about your general health. If you are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, temperature or loss of taste or smell) you will be asked to wait until you are fit and well before we can see you.
You will be asked to attend your appointment alone whenever possible. For children and people who need a companion for support, this will not apply.
You will need to wear a face mask or face covering to your appointment.
When you arrive, the door will be locked to help us limit the amount of people inside at any one time. Give us a knock and we will let you in. You may be asked to wait for a few minutes outside so please bear with us and be patient. Perhaps you can have a look at our lovely window displays and choose your next pair of specs!
Before you come in, you will be asked again about symptoms of COVID-19 and asked to put on your mask. Once inside you can sanitise your hands and take a seat to wait to be called.
We will all look at little different to normal as we will all be donning the appropriate PPE including masks, visors, gloves and aprons. You may not be able to see it but we will all be smiling under our masks!
You will notice a lot of cleaning going on before, during and after your visit. If you try on frames they will be sanitised before they are put back on display - it's nothing personal!
Reception is slightly different at the moment with a new Perspex screen, credit card payments preferred and no forms to sign.
We are looking forward to seeing you and please rest assured we are doing everything we can to keep you safe!